Because no one should ride life alone, we provide support in tandem.


We provide resources and programming to empower students, parents, and teachers in their journey to improve literacy, language learning, and success in school.   

About Us


What we do? 
We provide resources and programming
How we do it?  
Write publications, Books, Create Webinars, Videos, Workshops, Author Talks, Conference Presentations, etc.

 Why We do it?

To improve:

  • Literacy and Language Learning of our most Vulnerable Populations (Struggling Readers, English Language Learners, Special Education Students).

  • Teen Mothers' Opportunities to Continue their Education.  

  • COVID-19 Academic Slide.

 The Research: 

Click Here

The Teen Pregnancy Article: 

Click HERE

Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S

Yani Alfonso enjoys teaching English Language Learners in her high school classes. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, a Master’s Degree in Teaching Additional Languages, and an Ed.S. Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Her experience includes district trainer, instructional coach, conference speaker, K-12 content and ESOL teacher (English to Speakers of Other Languages).

Her husband of 43+ years has been her tandem partner in all of her endeavors. He was an anchor early in their marriage when she was a student, teen mom, and wife. They have been blessed with two loving, very well accomplished grown children and three grandchildren. Yani’s life is an example of what it means to come out on the other side of poverty, pain, and turmoil, and succeed despite life’s circumstances.

“Somewhere along the path of life, we must all find a way to step out of our comfort zone, choose others before self, to support and help someone else.  My latest book, The Wobble:  Teen, Pregnant, and Courageous, beginning this Tandem Life Books educational outreach and founding the TEPIC Foundation, Inc, a nonprofit organization that makes college accessible to English Language Learners and Teen Mothers are steps out of my comfort zone to support others and inspire them along the way" – ya.



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